/* Initializes |trav| for use with |tree| and selects the null node. */ void pavl_t_init (struct pavl_traverser *trav, struct pavl_table *tree) { trav->pavl_table = tree; trav->pavl_node = NULL; } /* Initializes |trav| for |tree|. Returns data item in |tree| with the least value, or |NULL| if |tree| is empty. */ void * pavl_t_first (struct pavl_traverser *trav, struct pavl_table *tree) { assert (tree != NULL && trav != NULL); trav->pavl_table = tree; trav->pavl_node = tree->pavl_root; if (trav->pavl_node != NULL) { while (trav->pavl_node->pavl_link[0] != NULL) trav->pavl_node = trav->pavl_node->pavl_link[0]; return trav->pavl_node->pavl_data; } else return NULL; } /* Initializes |trav| for |tree|. Returns data item in |tree| with the greatest value, or |NULL| if |tree| is empty. */ void * pavl_t_last (struct pavl_traverser *trav, struct pavl_table *tree) { assert (tree != NULL && trav != NULL); trav->pavl_table = tree; trav->pavl_node = tree->pavl_root; if (trav->pavl_node != NULL) { while (trav->pavl_node->pavl_link[1] != NULL) trav->pavl_node = trav->pavl_node->pavl_link[1]; return trav->pavl_node->pavl_data; } else return NULL; } /* Searches for |item| in |tree|. If found, initializes |trav| to the item found and returns the item as well. If there is no matching item, initializes |trav| to the null item and returns |NULL|. */ void * pavl_t_find (struct pavl_traverser *trav, struct pavl_table *tree, void *item) { struct pavl_node *p; int dir; assert (trav != NULL && tree != NULL && item != NULL); trav->pavl_table = tree; for (p = tree->pavl_root; p != NULL; p = p->pavl_link[dir]) { int cmp = tree->pavl_compare (item, p->pavl_data, tree->pavl_param); if (cmp == 0) { trav->pavl_node = p; return p->pavl_data; } dir = cmp > 0; } trav->pavl_node = NULL; return NULL; } /* Attempts to insert |item| into |tree|. If |item| is inserted successfully, it is returned and |trav| is initialized to its location. If a duplicate is found, it is returned and |trav| is initialized to its location. No replacement of the item occurs. If a memory allocation failure occurs, |NULL| is returned and |trav| is initialized to the null item. */ void * pavl_t_insert (struct pavl_traverser *trav, struct pavl_table *tree, void *item) { void **p; assert (trav != NULL && tree != NULL && item != NULL); p = pavl_probe (tree, item); if (p != NULL) { trav->pavl_table = tree; trav->pavl_node = ((struct pavl_node *) ((char *) p - offsetof (struct pavl_node, pavl_data))); return *p; } else { pavl_t_init (trav, tree); return NULL; } } /* Initializes |trav| to have the same current node as |src|. */ void * pavl_t_copy (struct pavl_traverser *trav, const struct pavl_traverser *src) { assert (trav != NULL && src != NULL); trav->pavl_table = src->pavl_table; trav->pavl_node = src->pavl_node; return trav->pavl_node != NULL ? trav->pavl_node->pavl_data : NULL; } /* Returns the next data item in inorder within the tree being traversed with |trav|, or if there are no more data items returns |NULL|. */ void * pavl_t_next (struct pavl_traverser *trav) { assert (trav != NULL); if (trav->pavl_node == NULL) return pavl_t_first (trav, trav->pavl_table); else if (trav->pavl_node->pavl_link[1] == NULL) { struct pavl_node *q, *p; /* Current node and its child. */ for (p = trav->pavl_node, q = p->pavl_parent; ; p = q, q = q->pavl_parent) if (q == NULL || p == q->pavl_link[0]) { trav->pavl_node = q; return trav->pavl_node != NULL ? trav->pavl_node->pavl_data : NULL; } } else { trav->pavl_node = trav->pavl_node->pavl_link[1]; while (trav->pavl_node->pavl_link[0] != NULL) trav->pavl_node = trav->pavl_node->pavl_link[0]; return trav->pavl_node->pavl_data; } } /* Returns the previous data item in inorder within the tree being traversed with |trav|, or if there are no more data items returns |NULL|. */ void * pavl_t_prev (struct pavl_traverser *trav) { assert (trav != NULL); if (trav->pavl_node == NULL) return pavl_t_last (trav, trav->pavl_table); else if (trav->pavl_node->pavl_link[0] == NULL) { struct pavl_node *q, *p; /* Current node and its child. */ for (p = trav->pavl_node, q = p->pavl_parent; ; p = q, q = q->pavl_parent) if (q == NULL || p == q->pavl_link[1]) { trav->pavl_node = q; return trav->pavl_node != NULL ? trav->pavl_node->pavl_data : NULL; } } else { trav->pavl_node = trav->pavl_node->pavl_link[0]; while (trav->pavl_node->pavl_link[1] != NULL) trav->pavl_node = trav->pavl_node->pavl_link[1]; return trav->pavl_node->pavl_data; } } /* Returns |trav|'s current item. */ void * pavl_t_cur (struct pavl_traverser *trav) { assert (trav != NULL); return trav->pavl_node != NULL ? trav->pavl_node->pavl_data : NULL; } /* Replaces the current item in |trav| by |new| and returns the item replaced. |trav| must not have the null item selected. The new item must not upset the ordering of the tree. */ void * pavl_t_replace (struct pavl_traverser *trav, void *new) { void *old; assert (trav != NULL && trav->pavl_node != NULL && new != NULL); old = trav->pavl_node->pavl_data; trav->pavl_node->pavl_data = new; return old; }