6.6 Testing [ToC] [Index]     [Skip Back]     [Prev] [Up] [Next]

Now we'll present a test program to demonstrate that our code works, using the same framework that has been used in past chapters. The additional code needed is straightforward:

240. <rb-test.c 240> =
<Program License 2>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "rb.h"
#include "test.h"

<BST print function; bst => rb 120>
<BST traverser check function; bst => rb 105>
<Compare two RB trees for structure and content 241>
<Recursively verify RB tree structure 242>
<RB tree verify function 246>
<BST test function; bst => rb 101>
<BST overflow test function; bst => rb 123>

241. <Compare two RB trees for structure and content 241> =
static int 
compare_trees (struct rb_node *a, struct rb_node *b)
{ int okay; if (a == NULL || b == NULL)
    { assert (a == NULL && b == NULL); return 1; } if (*(int *) a->rb_data != *(int *) b->rb_data || ((a->rb_link[0] != NULL) != (b->rb_link[0] != NULL)) || ((a->rb_link[1] != NULL) != (b->rb_link[1] != NULL)) || a->rb_color != b->rb_color)
    { printf (" Copied nodes differ: a=%d%c b=%d%c a:", *(int *) a->rb_data, a->rb_color == RB_RED ? 'r' : 'b', *(int *) b->rb_data, b->rb_color == RB_RED ? 'r' : 'b'); if (a->rb_link[0] != NULL)
        printf ("l"); if (a->rb_link[1] != NULL)
        printf ("r"); printf (" b:"); if (b->rb_link[0] != NULL)
        printf ("l"); if (b->rb_link[1] != NULL)
        printf ("r"); printf ("\n"); return 0; } okay = 1; if (a->rb_link[0] != NULL)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->rb_link[0], b->rb_link[0]); if (a->rb_link[1] != NULL)
    okay &= compare_trees (a->rb_link[1], b->rb_link[1]); return okay; }

This code is included in 240.

242. <Recursively verify RB tree structure 242> =
/* Examines the binary tree rooted at node.  
   Zeroes *okay if an error occurs.  
   Otherwise, does not modify *okay. Sets *count to the number of nodes in that tree,
   including node itself if node != NULL. Sets *bh to the tree's black-height. All the nodes in the tree are verified to be at least min
   but no greater than max. */ static void
recurse_verify_tree (struct rb_node *node, int *okay, size_t *count, int min, int max, int *bh)
{ int d; /* Value of this node's data. */ size_t subcount[2]; /* Number of nodes in subtrees. */ int subbh[2]; /* Black-heights of subtrees. */ if (node == NULL)
    { *count = 0; *bh = 0; return; } d = *(int *) node->rb_data; <Verify binary search tree ordering 115> recurse_verify_tree (node->rb_link[0], okay, &subcount[0], min, d - 1, &subbh[0]); recurse_verify_tree (node->rb_link[1], okay, &subcount[1], d + 1, max, &subbh[1]); *count = 1 + subcount[0] + subcount[1]; *bh = (node->rb_color == RB_BLACK) + subbh[0]; <Verify RB node color 243> <Verify RB node rule 1 compliance 244> <Verify RB node rule 2 compliance 245> }

This code is included in 240.

243. <Verify RB node color 243> =
if (node->rb_color != RB_RED && node->rb_color != RB_BLACK) 
  { printf (" Node %d is neither red nor black (%d).\n",
            d, node->rb_color); *okay = 0; }

This code is included in 242, 372, 486, and 587.

244. <Verify RB node rule 1 compliance 244> =
/* Verify compliance with rule 1. */
if (node->rb_color == RB_RED) 
  { if (node->rb_link[0] != NULL && node->rb_link[0]->rb_color == RB_RED)
      { printf (" Red node %d has red left child %d\n", d, *(int *) node->rb_link[0]->rb_data); *okay = 0; } if (node->rb_link[1] != NULL && node->rb_link[1]->rb_color == RB_RED)
      { printf (" Red node %d has red right child %d\n", d, *(int *) node->rb_link[1]->rb_data); *okay = 0; } }

This code is included in 242 and 587.

245. <Verify RB node rule 2 compliance 245> =
/* Verify compliance with rule 2. */
if (subbh[0] != subbh[1]) 
  { printf (" Node %d has two different blackheights: left bh=%d, " "right bh=%d\n", d, subbh[0], subbh[1]); *okay = 0; }

This code is included in 242, 372, 486, and 587.

246. <RB tree verify function 246> =
static int 
verify_tree (struct rb_table *tree, int array[], size_t n)
{ int okay = 1; <Check tree->bst_count is correct; bst => rb 111> if (okay)
      <Check root is black 247>
    } if (okay)
      <Check RB tree structure 248>
    } if (okay)
      <Check that the tree contains all the elements it should; bst => rb 116>
    } if (okay)
      <Check that forward traversal works; bst => rb 117>
    } if (okay)
      <Check that backward traversal works; bst => rb 118>
    } if (okay)
      <Check that traversal from the null element works; bst => rb 119>
    } return okay; }

This code is included in 240, 370, 484, and 585.

247. <Check root is black 247> =
if (tree->rb_root != NULL && tree->rb_root->rb_color != RB_BLACK) 
  { printf (" Tree's root is not black.\n"); okay = 0; }

This code is included in 246.

248. <Check RB tree structure 248> =
/* Recursively verify tree structure. */
size_t count;
int bh;

recurse_verify_tree (tree->rb_root, &okay, &count, 0, INT_MAX, &bh);
<Check counted nodes 113>

This code is included in 246.

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